Training & Assessment

Providing training and ongoing support to help new employees adjust to an unfamiliar work environment is essential for long-term success.

Our expertise in this area falls primarily in two verticals:

Training internal talent teams on various aspects of the recruitment process, including, but not limited to: Business partnering with hiring managers, Job briefs, Candidate attraction, Sourcing methods, Successful interviewing, Offers, and Negotiations. We also include modules on the effective communication necessary to build a strong relationship between your business and the candidates, complimented by the ongoing feedback that is crucial for continued growth and development. By structuring the training of your internal TA team, you set the expectations of pivotal, outward facing conversations that are often the first impression a candidate gets, representative of your organisation. This presents a streamlined approach to the recruitment process and in turn ensures a smooth, successful and enjoyable journey for all those involved.


Assessing new or potential employees to gage an in-depth profile that ultimately provides an overall percentage match based on the key criteria within your job brief, in terms of both skill set and cultural fit. Within this we delve into both Personality Profiling and Skills Testing. And in turn, advise a summary that entails the commercial acumen, professional strengths & areas for development you can expect to see, alongside the most complimentary management styles and how best to support the candidate’s ongoing training. Skills testing provides us with quantifiable data on over 200 different software platforms, including Microsoft Excel, SQL and the majority of accounting and BI tools used within the (re)insurance space. From that data, we are able to accurately gage the technical abilities of each candidate and highlight any areas for improvement before they become an on-the-job concern. In compliment to this, there is also a provision for evaluating non-technical abilities, or ‘softer skills’ as they are often referred to, such as business development, management style and sales acumen, in order to complete a holistic analysis.


Up to date photo

Overall match percentage

Scores of key areas of strengths for your role

A summery of the candidate, outlining their strengths and weaknesses

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